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Calligraphy, Love, and a Wedding

Baybayin calligraphy is such a beautiful script— ancient, under-appreciated, and relatively unknown even to Filipinos.  Baybayin was used by ancient Tagalogs in …

Logographing the Moon

Buwan Many poems of indigenous Filipino tribes contain imagery of the moon. Below is a poem (ambahan) of the Hanunoo people from Antoon Postma’s Treasure …

Logographing a Hurricane

Typhoons & Hurricanes Hurricane Harvey hit the state of Texas of the United States, making landfall on August 25, 2017. Confirmed deaths …

Logographing Rice and Bamboo

I am continuing a series of calligraphy pieces in Baybayin script (ancient, Filipino writing system) to examine the meaning and aesthetic of one word …

Ambahan about sickness and death

Ambahan about sickness and death In ancient, pre-Spanish Philippines, reading and writing were ubiquitious rather than for the elite or religious class. …

Logographing Tapyas ng pusong

Sacred Texts & Calligraphy I am starting a series of calligraphy pieces in Baybayin script (ancient, Filipino writing system) to examine the …

Logographing Magtipan at Kaanyuan

Ambahan about old age As I research more about Baybayin script (ancient Filipino script) I come across more and more Filipino poetry. …