In the morning,
In the morning, we skim over your history HTN DM CAD Our eyes— like smooth stones fling across the pond— hoping not to land on things that make us sink GSW at 17 homelessness ACEs After sign-out, I drift to your bedside as a fog over morning water— your face more sedated than a puddle— ribs scars wrinkles As my hand traces— your life gently ripples
- HTN = hypertension, DM = diabetes mellitus, CAD = coronary artery disease
- ACE: Adverse childhood event; The original ACE study showed childhood trauma has a dose-response relationship with future health problems (smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, promiscuity, severe obesity; depression, heart disease, cancer, chronic lung disease); 28% of study participants reported physical abuse and 21% reported sexual abuse. Almost 40% of the original sample reported two or more ACEs and 12.5% experienced four or more.
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