A heavy stone I cannot eat— that is how I miss you

A heavy stone I cannot eat— that is how I miss you

I drive by the farmer’s market in the spring
               morning after a long call in the hospital

Do I dare park and take a walk— eat a peach— 
               and feel grass stiff and bright beneath me?

Kale and collards— puffs and pies are
               words that seduce and sweeten from afar

Even al pastor and sausage meats— the still-hot
               breads and goat cheese— bite the poetic eye

If I stroll between the stands— drift
               between the chatter— glow in glory

in the sun— and consume today in every sense
     I think a pit— dark and hard— would still remain

My days become drupes with thoughts of
               missing you— If a bite of flesh will disappoint

I’d rather drive home to slumber— for a day
               enjoyed is not a day enjoyed without you
  1. the love song of j. alfred prufrock – t. s. eliot

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